MOU Signing Ceremony
Review of Inner Dreams Kindergarten on 24 August 2011. “Memorandum of Understanding” signing ceremony between Wat Phra Dhammakaya and three leading institutions in the world.
The Schedule of the World Meditation Day
The Schedule of the World Meditation Day On Sunday August 7th, 2011 At the International Dhammakaya Meditation Hall, Dhammakaya Temple
Code of Good Conduct #1
A sword without a scabbard or a hand-grenade without a safety catch can bring as more danger as benefit to the user because there is no way of controlling them
The kalyanamitra Temple
Within the Buddhist community, temples are recognized as a centre for moral training. Another way of viewing this is that temple is a place that teaches people to be ‘human’
What are the Blessings of Life?
Many scholars once said that the Blessings of Life are the ways that lead to progress, happiness, and prosperity
Social Disaster : 4. The Relationship between Friends
If a person does not cherish his or her friends according to the duties described in the Six Directions, the harm that will come to them can be concluded on three levels
Answer by Law of Kamma :- Women vs. Painful Periods
Questions from the audience:- Why does each woman have the different symptoms of painful periods? What has caused them to have the different symptoms?
The 7th 1,000,000 Upasika Kaew Mass Training Project
The 7th 1,000,000 Upasika Kaew Mass Training Project. What is upasika? How important is she? What is her role in Buddhism? And why does Dhammakaya Temple arrange this project?
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Cherishing our husband or wife (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Thirteen :- Cherishing our husband or wife.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Cherishing our husband or wife (4)